Monday, December 8, 2008

waiting for gawdawful days to pass

but easily thrilled to launch this blog w my wonderful friend, and i thank her for coming up with this idea.  both of us write, as part of our professions and for pleasure.  in our professional lives, we can write to cause pain.  no guessing what we once were. 
now, we are here.  and what we'll write about will ping off once we once were, once thought we'd be, what we think we are know, what we think of others (most fun part), and what we think generally and randomly (freeforall, pain for many, delight for us.  alternatively, of some merit.

you're encouraged, please, to give us feedback and thoughts and to disagree.

the topics are large, weave in and out of womens' lives, human lives, and have a lot of goofy and profound influence on how life goes.
