The DPS announced a snow day and then the school that falls within the ambit - so I thought as an attorney and eager to use that word - declared itself separate, de facto if not de jure - see? - also announced a snow day. And so I have two children at home with me for the duration. It was like the kids' version of New Year's Eve, with later than typical waking hours and, no doubt, late rising hours tomorrow. One child has crashed, the other insists on putting her imprint on newly claimed time. And my dog pretty much comports himself like always. Or toujours which almost rhymes with du jour as opposed to du jure.
I have spent time, lots and lots and lots of time on FB this evening. As kind of a toggle button to watching for the announcement of school closings on news sites. While watching "Millionaire Matchmaker", then "Cheers" and now a totally cheesy Ancient Greek film starring a blonde Natalie Woods and woops now it's worth watching a very young Paul Newman. I may be up for the duration. I have also intermittedly parented, which is a natural state after my full-on production of dinner and oversight of homework and in one child's case, activities. I have also given up on punctuation it seems.
The hush and dominance of snow over the activities of a region force me to recognize the value of my time, as the snow presents a cache of time spent differently than typical. And it seems I spend it like usual, like my dog.
Could I popularize a new meaning for "dog days"?
I should add that my dog is the ultimate omega dog. Bit redundant. I could get two snow days out of this.
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