8 a.m. walking my 6/7 pound dog on leash. Round the corner comes a woman with an all-terrain baby stroller, followed by a large un-leashed dog, who sees my dog and comes bounding toward me and my dog. I pick my dog up in my hands, and say:
ME: Your dog should be on a leash.
HER: (nothing)
ME: It's posted right there (pointing to sign that is eye level, permanent and iterated at both end of the park, which is approximately 18 feet away from her.) It's the first thing on the sign.
HER: I'm not from around here. I don't know how to read.
ME: Don't be facetious.
HER: I know the law and I'll follow it if I want to.
ME: Why don't you follow a diet.
HER: I just had a baby two months ago!
ME: I hope you had triplets.
(and away she went, traveling West at a somewhat rapid pace.)
(it was a good thing I was wearing slimming navy blue that morning)
(to my amour in Chicago, who has recommended this article this very morning, before I went on my dog's constitutional - and my institutional - and which article I have read perhaps three sentences and seen the accompanying illustration, I thank and now post: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/redeye/2010/06/by-leonor-vivanco-redeye-temper.html)
you crazy girl. i like : )